The photo above is of my friend Lis and I up in a tree while we were in Texas. I feel that it is fitting for the message of Zacchaeus out of Luke 19, which has been on my heart for months.
Luke 19: 1-4, "Jesus entered Jericho and was passing through. A man was there by the name of Zacchaeus; he was a chief tax collector and was wealthy. He wanted to see who Jesus was, but being a short man he could not, because of the crowd. So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore-fig tree to see him, since Jesus was coming that way."
I'm just going to stop right there. I would encourage you all to read on and discover (perhaps all over again) how Zacchaeus repents of his sins and turns his life around as soon as he's in the Lord's presence. But I can't get out of my head how Zacchaeus wanted to see Jesus so much that he pulled away from the crowd, and shimmied his short self up a sycamore tree just to see Him.
I have to ask myself on a regular basis, "Ok Jackie, what are you doing to see more of God? Are you really seeking and climbing and desiring more of Christ so much that you do something drastic to reach Him? To what length are you willing to make sacrifices to follow?"
There's a song by Flame called "See More Him" that explains the struggle of getting sidetracked or falling into idolatry when the God who is truly satisfying is right in front of us. It's Christian rap, which I understand isn't everybody's cup of tea, but I am a lyrics person and think the depth of the lyrics and the scripture woven tightly in the songs challenges me to think about my faith on a deeper level.
"Though I'm a Christian my vision sometimes even get blurred
When I'm resisting His visits and not reading His Word
Desperate need to be purged
Easy to lose the wonder
Through these daily distractions banging louder than thunder
When I devalue my Savior and start treasuring trash
And longing for mud patches thinking it's greener grass
Exchanging eternal pleasures for the ones that's going to pass
Looking for 'em to satisfy but they lie never last"
The hook proceeds to cry out, "I wanna see more Him, cus I'm sick of more me/ I'm gonna be like Zacchae in that sycamore tree."
What up Flame?
I want to climb higher just to get a glimpse of our perfect Savior who took me in my brokenness and transformed me!
Ah yes, and I wanted to give a huge praise report as to how support raising for Edge Corps is going. Frankly, I have been blessed by how people are coming together to give to this mission. God keeps surprising me and adding people to my support team daily. It is a tedious, yet exciting journey and I'm thankful even that it hasn't been easy. I feel like I'm being strengthened and prepared to reach some higher branches this year.
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